I have designed and/or led workshops in community-learning and formal education contexts, across a range of topics related to music, sound, speech and listening.
- A. Beeston, “A young person’s guide to sound art,” in WIRED online, 6-week online course. Workshop leader. 25 Oct – 6 Dec, 2022.
[BibTeX] [link] [post]@inproceedings{WIRED:2022amy, author = {Beeston, Amy}, title = {{A young person's guide to sound art}}, booktitle = {{WIRED online}}, year = {2022}, address = {6-week online course. Workshop leader. 25 Oct - 6 Dec}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/wired-online-a-young-persons-guide-to-sound-art-with-amy-beeston/}, post = {https://avbees.com/wired-guide-to-sound-art/}, month = oct }
- J. Kennedy, “Sound adventures,” in WIRED online, 6-week online podcasting course. Moderator/tech support. 5 Jul – 9 Aug, 2022.
[BibTeX] [link] [post]@inproceedings{WIRED:2022jo, author = {Kennedy, Jo}, title = {{Sound adventures}}, booktitle = {{WIRED online}}, year = {2022}, address = {6-week online podcasting course. Moderator/tech support. 5 Jul - 9 Aug}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/wired-online-sound-adventures-with-jo-kennedy/}, post = {https://avbees.com/wired-sound-adventures/}, month = jul }
- A. Beeston, “Tech in an age of climate crisis,” in Things you never got taught #9, Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea, UK. Artist talk and discussion (online event). 1 Dec, 2021.
[BibTeX] [link] [post]@inproceedings{Beeston:2021fpg, author = {Beeston, Amy}, title = {{Tech in an age of climate crisis}}, booktitle = {{Things you never got taught #9}}, year = {2021}, address = {Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea, UK. Artist talk and discussion (online event). 1 Dec}, link = {https://www.fpg.org.uk/event/things-you-never-get-taught-9/}, post = {https://avbees.com/things-you-never-got-taught-number-9/}, month = dec }
- A. Beeston, “Environmental sustainability in sound art practices,” in roam//fest 2021, ame (art music experiment), Huddersfield, UK. Artist talk and discussion (online event). 10 Sep, 2021.
[BibTeX] [link] [post]@inproceedings{Beeston:2021roam, author = {Beeston, Amy}, title = {{Environmental sustainability in sound art practices}}, booktitle = {{roam//fest 2021}}, year = {2021}, address = {ame (art music experiment), Huddersfield, UK. Artist talk and discussion (online event). 10 Sep}, link = {https://amespace.uk/roam/roam-online-yswn-presents-artist-talk-and-discussion-with-amy-beeston-10-09-21/}, post = {https://avbees.com/roam-fest-2021/}, month = sep }
- “SONA Presents: A practical introduction to sound art,” in Sidney & Matilda, Rivelin Works, 46 Sidney Street, Sheffield, S1 4RH, UK. Workshop. 2 Mar, 2020.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2020pitsa, %%author = {Beeston, Amy and Cheesman, Lucy and Egan, Deborah}, title = {{SONA Presents: A practical introduction to sound art}}, booktitle = {{Sidney & Matilda}}, year = {2020}, address = {Rivelin Works, 46 Sidney Street, Sheffield, S1 4RH, UK. Workshop. 2 Mar}, link = {https://avbees.com/sona-practical-intro-sound-art/}, month = mar }
- D. Egan, L. Clough, D. Gusejnova, and A. Beeston, “SONA: Making Sense!,” in British Science Association Fun Palace, Sheffield, UK. Makey-makey fruit orchestra (family workshop). 7 Oct, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2017fruit, author = {Deborah Egan and Laura Clough and Dina Gusejnova and Amy Beeston}, title = {{SONA: Making Sense!}}, booktitle = {{British Science Association Fun Palace}}, year = {2017}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Makey-makey fruit orchestra (family workshop). 7 Oct}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2017/10/07/fun-palaces-fruit-orchestra/}, month = oct }
- S. Parker, D. Gusejnova, and A. Beeston, “The Art of Radio, with Sara Parker,” in SONA Sheffield events, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop organiser/host. 6 Apr, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Parker:2017radio, author = {Parker, Sara and Gusejnova, Dina and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{The Art of Radio, with Sara Parker}}, booktitle = {{SONA Sheffield events}}, year = {2017}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop organiser/host. 6 Apr}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2017/03/23/art-of-radio/}, month = apr }
- A. V. Beeston, “Machine listening – for live sound control,” in Music Collaboratory Project, Department of Music, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Guest lecturing. 9 Mar, 2017.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017uosmus2, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Machine listening -- for live sound control}}, booktitle = {{Music Collaboratory Project, Department of Music, University of Sheffield}}, year = {2017}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Guest lecturing. 9 Mar}, month = mar }
- A. V. Beeston, “Using sound as a controller,” in International Women’s Day at Heritage Quay, Huddersfield, UK. Software demonstration. 4 Mar, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017iwd, author = {Amy V Beeston}, title = {{Using sound as a controller}}, booktitle = {{International Women's Day at Heritage Quay}}, year = {2017}, address = {Huddersfield, UK. Software demonstration. 4 Mar}, link = {http://heritagequay.org/events/yorkshire-sound-women-network/}, month = mar }
- A. V. Beeston, “Understanding sound – for better sound control,” in Music Collaboratory Project, Department of Music, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Guest lecturing. 23 Feb, 2017.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017uosmus1, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Understanding sound -- for better sound control}}, booktitle = {{Music Collaboratory Project, Department of Music, University of Sheffield}}, year = {2017}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Guest lecturing. 23 Feb}, month = feb }
- L. Cheesman and A. Beeston, “SONA: Peer learning taster workshop,” in Catalyst: Festival of Creativity, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace. 19 Nov, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [watch]@inproceedings{SONA:2016peer, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{SONA: Peer learning taster workshop}}, booktitle = {{Catalyst: Festival of Creativity}}, year = {2016}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace. 19 Nov}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2016/10/17/peer-learning-taster-workshops/}, watch = {https://youtu.be/oxlcbeh5QGc}, month = nov }
- L. Cheesman and A. Beeston, “SONA: Seafarers,” in The Sea Around Us, Connect the Dots fourth annual festival, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace and performance; Curation of cummunity-created audio collage. 13 and 20 Nov, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2016ctdots, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{SONA: Seafarers}}, booktitle = {{The Sea Around Us, Connect the Dots fourth annual festival}}, year = {2016}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace and performance; Curation of cummunity-created audio collage. 13 and 20 Nov}, link = {http://www.ctdots.co.uk/portfolio-item/sona/}, month = nov }
- A. V. Beeston, “Machine listening in music: A beginner’s guide,” in Catalyst: Festival of Creativity, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop leader. 21 Jul, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [slides] [watch]@inproceedings{Beeston:2016mlfb, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Machine listening in music: A beginner's guide}}, booktitle = {{Catalyst: Festival of Creativity}}, year = {2016}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop leader. 21 Jul}, link = {http://www.sheffieldcityofmakers.co.uk/calendar/machine-listening-in-music-a-beginners-guide-with-amy-beeston}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/Beeston_YSWN_Jul2016.pdf}, watch = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgbb2gYuNK8}, month = jul }
- C. Pike and A. V. Beeston, “Human perception and listening by machines,” in 140th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Paris, France. Panelist (Workshop W17). 7 Jun, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [slides]@inproceedings{Pike:2016aes, author = {Pike, Cleopatra and Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Human perception and listening by machines}}, booktitle = {{140th Audio Engineering Society Convention}}, year = {2016}, address = {Paris, France. Panelist (Workshop W17). 7 Jun}, link = {http://www.aes.org/events/140/workshops/?ID=4901}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/PikeBeeston_AES140_Jun2016.pdf}, month = jun }
- A. V. Beeston, “Machine listening in music: A beginner’s guide,” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network, School of Music, University of Leeds (4 April) and School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield (5 April). Workshop leader. 4-5 Apr, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [slides]@inproceedings{Beeston:2016yswn, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Machine listening in music: A beginner's guide}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network}}, year = {2016}, address = {School of Music, University of Leeds (4 April) and School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield (5 April). Workshop leader. 4-5 Apr}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.wordpress.com/machine-listening-in-music-a-beginners-guide/}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/Beeston_YSWN_Apr2016.pdf}, month = apr }
- J. Armitage, L. Cheesman, and A. Beeston, “Coding Music,” in Make some Noise! Family weekend at the National Media Museum, Bradford, UK. Workshop facilitator. 19 Mar, 2016.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Armitage:2016nmm, author = {Armitage, Joanne and Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{Coding Music}}, booktitle = {{Make some Noise! Family weekend at the National Media Museum}}, year = {2016}, address = {Bradford, UK. Workshop facilitator. 19 Mar}, month = mar }
- R. K. Moore and A. V. Beeston, “MakeSpeech,” in Headstart summer school, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Guest tutor. 13 Jul, 2015.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Moore:2015headstart, author = {Moore, Roger K and Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{MakeSpeech}}, booktitle = {{Headstart summer school, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield}}, year = {2015}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Guest tutor. 13 Jul}, month = jul }
- R. Timmers and A. V. Beeston, “Music and science demo,” in Department of Music, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Software demonstration. 6 Jul, 2015.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Timmers:2015mmm, author = {Timmers, Renee and Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Music and science demo}}, booktitle = {{Department of Music, University of Sheffield}}, year = {2015}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Software demonstration. 6 Jul}, month = jul }
- R. Timmers and A. V. Beeston, “Music and science taster session,” in Open day, Department of Music, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Software demonstration. 7 Jul, 2014.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Timmers:2014mmm, author = {Timmers, Renee and Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Music and science taster session}}, booktitle = {{Open day, Department of Music, University of Sheffield}}, year = {2014}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Software demonstration. 7 Jul}, month = jul }
- A. V. Beeston and M. A. C. Summers, “Using machine listening to analyse timbre in performance,” in Music Mind Machine Research Centre ‘Open House’, Sheffield, UK. Demonstration. 26 Nov, 2013.
[BibTeX] [slides]@inproceedings{Beeston:2013mmm, author = {Beeston, Amy V and Summers, Mark A C}, title = {{Using machine listening to analyse timbre in performance}}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {{Music Mind Machine Research Centre 'Open House'}}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Demonstration. 26 Nov}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/BeestonSummers_MMM_Nov2013.pdf}, month = nov }
- R. K. Moore and A. V. Beeston, “MakeSpeech,” in Cutlers’ Ambassador Scheme, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Guest tutor. 3 Oct, 2013.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Moore:2013cutlers, author = {Moore, Roger K and Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{MakeSpeech}}, booktitle = {{Cutlers' Ambassador Scheme, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield}}, year = {2013}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Guest tutor. 3 Oct}, month = oct }