I’m pleased that my track Waiting in company has been selected for inclusion in this album of highlights from the #StayHomeSounds project, which collects and presents the sounds of the global Covid-19 lockdown from all over the world.
*** All proceeds from sales of the album will go directly to the WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund ***

The album notes state ––
With countless communities and countries around the world entering lockdown and social distancing to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is at present a very different place.
We know that – along with sounds – everyone has their own story to tell.
#StayHomeSounds is a global collaborative project collecting recordings that document the worldwide coronavirus lockdown, and features more than 300 sounds from more than 40 countries.
Sounds are particularly fascinating right now, as with so much of our lives in lockdown, the world hasn’t sounded quite like this during our lifetimes – whether it’s something simple like less traffic, or how you can hear more birdsong and wildlife, through to how people are coming together through song and music.
We hope that through the project we can share a little bit of not just how it sounds as we all adjust to a new way of living, but how it feels at this unique moment.
Album Details
- released May 1, 2020
- on Bandcamp: https://citiesandmemory.bandcamp.com/album/stayhomesounds-volume-1