Science while you sleep

Researchers’ Night opens our doors to the public so you can find out about the research that goes on at the University of Sheffield.

I’ll be asking: What does the sound of your snoring say about you? Come along tomorrow night and have a listen! Judge some snores from tame to earth‐shattering, and find out how you can use your mobile phone to contribute to science while you sleep.

  • A. Beeston, “Science while you sleep,” in Researchers’ Night, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Exhibition stall and software demonstration. 30 Sep, 2016.
    [BibTeX] [flyer] [poster]
    author = {Beeston, Amy},
    title = {{Science while you sleep}},
    booktitle = {{Researchers' Night, University of Sheffield}},
    year = {2016},
    address = {Sheffield, UK. Exhibition stall and software demonstration. 30 Sep},
    flyer = {},
    poster = {},
    month = sep

Amy Beeston