Precarious living

Precarious Living
Whitespace Gallery, 76 East Crosscauseway, Edinburgh, EH8 9HQ
9 – 13 April 2022

Precarious Living (Edinburgh, 2022) is a solo exhibition of print, collage and sound art. It is an unfinished collection, a snapshot of reality as it is here and now, with unmade pieces left jostling impatiently in the wings. These are works made in alarming times about remembering what matters most: environments, communities, families, selves.

See also:

Works on show:

  • Hello Orkney (2019)
    Using the International Code of Signals to introduce sound art in Stromness.
  • (2016)
    Remembering a regular parliamentary train journey spent reflecting on precarious working conditions.
  • Dispersal (2019)
    Wind visualisations drawn from an interactive sound installation.
  • Reveil (2019)
    Recorded on International Dawn Chorus Day.
  • Stone Fringe Postcards (2019)
    Map of the Stone Fringe Postcards listening locations along the shoreline of Stromness.
  • Stromnophony (2019)
    Capturing the sounds of Stromness in summer 2019.
  • Saltwater Incursion (2020)
    Describes the risk of coastal flooding to my local area with low-lying land predicted to be lost to the sea within the lifetimes of our children.
  • Dead Sands (2020)
    The Dead Sands, a small tidal peninsula on my cousin’s farm, is already missing from Climate Central’s flood map representing the current area landmass.
  • Detach (2021)
    Note to self: don’t even think about changing him/her!
  • Drain (2021)
    Made while witnessing and stilling the rapid spin cycle of recent times.
  • Presence (2021)
    Made while discussing motherless mothering with my siblings.
  • Well (2021-22)
    Made while reaching the depths and returning safely.
  • Honesty (2021)
    Made while contemplating boundaries between the self, hearth, realm and beyond.
  • Terra (2021)
    Made while seeking a unified experience through negotiations of housing and childcare.
Amy Beeston