I think we all have a responsibility to share our knowledge with our peers. It is only by writing this post, that I realise quite how much of my time and energy goes into making sure this can happen…
The activities (and texts) listed below arose through my connections with SONA, with the Yorkshire Sound Women Network and with other student and professional groups who invited me to contribute to their own peer-learning events. Enormous thanks to all those who have supported me in this work!
I co-hosted SONA’s monthly meetup in Sheffield from 2016-2019, a peer-learning space initiated in March 2016 to accompany a series of workshops organised with my Sheffield-based collaborator Lucy Cheesman for Catalyst: Festival of Creativity. We further supported our group members by commissioning informal talks and artist Q&As at each of our SONA: Unpeeled events, and ran a number of one-off activities under both the SONA and Yorkshire Sound Women Network banners in addition.
Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss any aspect of peer-learning with me!
- “Associate Skills Exchange,” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities, Remotely from Orkney, UK. Offering assistance with Max (digital signal processing software environment) to Helen Papaioannou; Receiving assistance in online workshop delivery from Emily Johnson. 10 Aug – 15 Sep, 2022.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2022ex, %%author = {}, title = {{Associate Skills Exchange}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities}}, year = {2022}, address = {Remotely from Orkney, UK. Offering assistance with Max (digital signal processing software environment) to Helen Papaioannou; Receiving assistance in online workshop delivery from Emily Johnson. 10 Aug - 15 Sep}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/}, month = aug }
- “Associate Skills Exchange,” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities, Remotely from Orkney, UK. Offering sound art and installation assistance to Ann Fomukong-Boden; Receiving electronics and maker skills assistance from her. 7 May – 18 Jun, 2021.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2021ex-afb, %%author = {}, title = {{Associate Skills Exchange}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities}}, year = {2021}, address = {Remotely from Orkney, UK. Offering sound art and installation assistance to Ann Fomukong-Boden; Receiving electronics and maker skills assistance from her. 7 May - 18 Jun}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/}, month = may }
- “Associate Skills Exchange,” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities, Remotely from Orkney, UK. Offering sound art and installation assistance to Sophie Cooper. 23 Apr – 7 May, 2021.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2021ex-sc, %%author = {Cooper, Sophie and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{Associate Skills Exchange}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities}}, year = {2021}, address = {Remotely from Orkney, UK. Offering sound art and installation assistance to Sophie Cooper. 23 Apr - 7 May}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/}, month = apr }
- “Associate Skills Exchange (Pilot),” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities, Remotely between Orkney/Huddersfield, UK and Berlin, DE. Offering Max MSP programming assistance to Pam Hulme; Receiving workshop design assistance from her. 9 Dec – 16 Dec, 2019.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2019ex-ph, %%author = {}, title = {{Associate Skills Exchange (Pilot)}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities}}, year = {2019}, address = {Remotely between Orkney/Huddersfield, UK and Berlin, DE. Offering Max MSP programming assistance to Pam Hulme; Receiving workshop design assistance from her. 9 Dec - 16 Dec}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/}, month = dec }
- “Associate Skills Exchange (Pilot),” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities, Remotely between Orkney/Dundee, UK. Discussing sound art and gallery presentation with Jung In Jung. 25 Nov – 2 Dec, 2019.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2019ex-jij, %%author = {}, title = {{Associate Skills Exchange (Pilot)}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network activities}}, year = {2019}, address = {Remotely between Orkney/Dundee, UK. Discussing sound art and gallery presentation with Jung In Jung. 25 Nov - 2 Dec}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/}, month = nov }
- L. Cheesman, A. Beeston, and D. Egan, “SONA presents Unpeeled: AGF (Antye Greie) and Otherworld (Kay Logan),” in Sound and Music’s Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performances, talk and interactive audio installation. 8 Feb, 2019.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2019unpeeled-ag-kl, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy and Egan, Deborah}, title = {{SONA presents Unpeeled: AGF (Antye Greie) and Otherworld (Kay Logan)}}, booktitle = {{Sound and Music's Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme}}, year = {2019}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performances, talk and interactive audio installation. 8 Feb}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2018/11/13/unpeeled-antye-greie/}, month = feb }
- “Composer-Curator 2018,” in Sound and Music’s Podcast, Online, UK. Interview. 16 Jan, 2019.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2019sam, %%author = {Eshmade, Ben}, title = {{Composer-Curator 2018}}, booktitle = {{Sound and Music's Podcast}}, year = {2019}, address = {Online, UK. Interview. 16 Jan}, link = {https://soundcloud.com/soundandmusic/sound-and-music-composer-curator-2018}, month = jan }
- L. Cheesman, A. Beeston, and D. Egan, “SONA presents Unpeeled: Sarah Watts,” in Sound and Music’s Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 30 Nov, 2018.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2018unpeeled-sw, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy and Egan, Deborah}, title = {{SONA presents Unpeeled: Sarah Watts}}, booktitle = {{Sound and Music's Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme}}, year = {2018}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 30 Nov}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2018/11/01/unpeeled-sarah-watts/}, month = nov }
- L. Cheesman, A. Beeston, and D. Egan, “SONA presents Unpeeled: Vicky Clarke,” in Sound and Music’s Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 2 Nov, 2018.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2018unpeeled-vc, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy and Egan, Deborah}, title = {{SONA presents Unpeeled: Vicky Clarke}}, booktitle = {{Sound and Music's Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme}}, year = {2018}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 2 Nov}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2018/09/17/unpeeled-vicky-clarke/}, month = nov }
- L. Cheesman, A. Beeston, and D. Egan, “SONA presents Unpeeled: Amble Skuse,” in Sound and Music’s Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme, Access Space, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 13 Oct, 2018.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2018unpeeled-as, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy and Egan, Deborah}, title = {{SONA presents Unpeeled: Amble Skuse}}, booktitle = {{Sound and Music's Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme}}, year = {2018}, address = {Access Space, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 13 Oct}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2018/09/16/unpeeled-amble-skuse/}, month = oct }
- A. Beeston, “Yorkshire Sound Women Network,” in SynthFest UK 2018, Octagon Centre, Sheffield, UK. Exhibition stall. 6 Oct, 2018.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2018synthfest, author = {Beeston, Amy}, title = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network}}, booktitle = {{SynthFest UK 2018}}, year = {2018}, address = {Octagon Centre, Sheffield, UK. Exhibition stall. 6 Oct}, link = {https://synthfest.co.uk/exhibitors-2018/}, month = oct }
- L. Cheesman, A. Beeston, and D. Egan, “SONA presents Unpeeled: Ryoko Akama,” in Sound and Music’s Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 21 Sep, 2018.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2018unpeeled-ra, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy and Egan, Deborah}, title = {{SONA presents Unpeeled: Ryoko Akama}}, booktitle = {{Sound and Music's Composer-Curator 2018/19 programme}}, year = {2018}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Performance, talk and installation. 21 Sep}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2018/09/06/unpeeled-ryoko-akama/}, month = sep }
- D. Egan, L. Cheesman, and A. Beeston, “SONA: Open studio,” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network CIC: Launch gig, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Unpeeled project introduction and installation development. 14 Sep, 2018.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2018cic-os, author = {Egan, Deborah and Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{SONA: Open studio}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network CIC: Launch gig}}, year = {2018}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Unpeeled project introduction and installation development. 14 Sep}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2018/09/06/open-studio-at-yswn-cic/}, month = sep }
- L. Dobson and A. Beeston, “Yorkshire Sound Women Network,” in SynthFest UK 2017, Octagon Centre, Sheffield, UK. Exhibition stall and hardware demonstration. 7 Oct, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{YSWN:2017synthfest, author = {Liz Dobson and Amy Beeston}, title = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network}}, booktitle = {{SynthFest UK 2017}}, year = {2017}, address = {Octagon Centre, Sheffield, UK. Exhibition stall and hardware demonstration. 7 Oct}, link = {https://synthfest.co.uk/exhibitors-2017/}, month = oct }
- A. V. Beeston, “Forming SONA: Sound natives in Sheffield,” in Culture and the City Symposium, Sheffield, UK. Invited talk. 30 Sep, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017catc, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Forming SONA: Sound natives in Sheffield}}, booktitle = {{Culture and the City Symposium}}, year = {2017}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Invited talk. 30 Sep}, link = {https://sheffieldcreativeguild.com/events/2017/culture-and-the-city-in-collaboration-with-dina/}, month = sep }
- A. V. Beeston, “Imagining My Future Self: Using Software Carpentry Skills to Ease the Return to Work,” in Software Sustainability Institute website, Invited blogpost. 27 Sep, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017ssi, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Imagining My Future Self: Using Software Carpentry Skills to Ease the Return to Work}}, booktitle = {{Software Sustainability Institute website}}, year = {2017}, address = {Invited blogpost. 27 Sep}, link = {https://www.software.ac.uk/blog/2017-09-27-imagining-my-future-self-using-software-carpentry-skills-ease-return-work}, month = sep }
- A. V. Beeston and E. D. Dobson, “Fostering ‘the gift of confidence’ for women in the electronic music scene,” in Centre for Digital Scholarship, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Invited talk. 12 May, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017oxford, author = {Beeston, Amy V and Dobson, Elizabeth D}, title = {{Fostering 'the gift of confidence' for women in the electronic music scene}}, booktitle = {{Centre for Digital Scholarship, University of Oxford}}, year = {2017}, address = {Oxford, UK. Invited talk. 12 May}, link = {http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/digital/2017/04/25/beeston-dobson/}, month = may }
- S. Parker, D. Gusejnova, and A. Beeston, “The Art of Radio, with Sara Parker,” in SONA Sheffield events, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop organiser/host. 6 Apr, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Parker:2017radio, author = {Parker, Sara and Gusejnova, Dina and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{The Art of Radio, with Sara Parker}}, booktitle = {{SONA Sheffield events}}, year = {2017}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop organiser/host. 6 Apr}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2017/03/23/art-of-radio/}, month = apr }
- A. V. Beeston, “Using sound as a controller,” in International Women’s Day at Heritage Quay, Huddersfield, UK. Software demonstration. 4 Mar, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017iwd, author = {Amy V Beeston}, title = {{Using sound as a controller}}, booktitle = {{International Women's Day at Heritage Quay}}, year = {2017}, address = {Huddersfield, UK. Software demonstration. 4 Mar}, link = {http://heritagequay.org/events/yorkshire-sound-women-network/}, month = mar }
- A. V. Beeston, “Finding courage in encouragement,” in Women in Music Information Retrieval (WiMIR) website, Invited blogpost. 7 Feb, 2017.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Beeston:2017wimir, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Finding courage in encouragement}}, booktitle = {{Women in Music Information Retrieval (WiMIR) website}}, year = {2017}, address = {Invited blogpost. 7 Feb}, link = {https://wimir.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/finding-courage-in-encouragement-by-amy-v-beeston-wimir-mentee/}, month = feb }
- A. V. Beeston, L. Cheesman, and E. D. Dobson, “Community-building to support and encourage women and girls in music technology,” in Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop (DMRN+11), London, UK. Oral presentation. 20 Dec, 2016.
[BibTeX] [paper] [slides]@inproceedings{Beeston:2016dmrn, author = {Beeston, Amy V and Cheesman, Lucy and Dobson, Elizabeth D}, title = {{Community-building to support and encourage women and girls in music technology}}, booktitle = {{Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop (DMRN+11)}}, year = {2016}, address = {London, UK. Oral presentation. 20 Dec}, paper = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/papers/DMRN_2016_Beeston.pdf}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/Beeston_DMRN_Dec2016.pdf}, month = dec }
- E. D. Dobson and A. V. Beeston, “Starting a sound network from scratch: the story, impact and developments of the Yorkshire Sound Women Network,” in Cross Government Design Meeting, Electric Works, Sheffield, UK. Invited talk. 1 Dec, 2016.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Dobson:2016gov, author = {Dobson, Elizabeth D and Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Starting a sound network from scratch: the story, impact and developments of the Yorkshire Sound Women Network}}, booktitle = {{Cross Government Design Meeting, Electric Works}}, year = {2016}, address = {Sheffield, UK. Invited talk. 1 Dec}, month = dec }
- L. Cheesman and A. Beeston, “SONA: Peer learning taster workshop,” in Catalyst: Festival of Creativity, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace. 19 Nov, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [watch]@inproceedings{SONA:2016peer, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{SONA: Peer learning taster workshop}}, booktitle = {{Catalyst: Festival of Creativity}}, year = {2016}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace. 19 Nov}, link = {https://sonawomen.co.uk/2016/10/17/peer-learning-taster-workshops/}, watch = {https://youtu.be/oxlcbeh5QGc}, month = nov }
- L. Cheesman and A. Beeston, “SONA: Seafarers,” in The Sea Around Us, Connect the Dots fourth annual festival, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace and performance; Curation of cummunity-created audio collage. 13 and 20 Nov, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{SONA:2016ctdots, author = {Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{SONA: Seafarers}}, booktitle = {{The Sea Around Us, Connect the Dots fourth annual festival}}, year = {2016}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Makerspace and performance; Curation of cummunity-created audio collage. 13 and 20 Nov}, link = {http://www.ctdots.co.uk/portfolio-item/sona/}, month = nov }
- A. V. Beeston, “Machine listening in music: A beginner’s guide,” in Catalyst: Festival of Creativity, DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop leader. 21 Jul, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [slides] [watch]@inproceedings{Beeston:2016mlfb, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Machine listening in music: A beginner's guide}}, booktitle = {{Catalyst: Festival of Creativity}}, year = {2016}, address = {DINA, Sheffield, UK. Workshop leader. 21 Jul}, link = {http://www.sheffieldcityofmakers.co.uk/calendar/machine-listening-in-music-a-beginners-guide-with-amy-beeston}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/Beeston_YSWN_Jul2016.pdf}, watch = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgbb2gYuNK8}, month = jul }
- H. Ford, J. Duckles, A. Maidment, M. Callaghan, T. Nurmikko-Fuller, and A. Beeston, “The inevitable abyss: find mentors who will help you get out,” in Software Sustainability Institute website, Speedblog. 6 Apr, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link]@inproceedings{Ford:2016ssi, author = {Ford, Heather and Duckles, Jonah and Maidment, Angus and Callaghan, Martin and Nurmikko-Fuller, Terhi and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{The inevitable abyss: find mentors who will help you get out}}, booktitle = {{Software Sustainability Institute website}}, year = {2016}, address = {Speedblog. 6 Apr}, link = {http://software.ac.uk/blog/2016-04-06-inevitable-abyss-find-mentors-who-will-help-you-get-out}, month = apr }
- A. V. Beeston, “Machine listening in music: A beginner’s guide,” in Yorkshire Sound Women Network, School of Music, University of Leeds (4 April) and School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield (5 April). Workshop leader. 4-5 Apr, 2016.
[BibTeX] [link] [slides]@inproceedings{Beeston:2016yswn, author = {Beeston, Amy V}, title = {{Machine listening in music: A beginner's guide}}, booktitle = {{Yorkshire Sound Women Network}}, year = {2016}, address = {School of Music, University of Leeds (4 April) and School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield (5 April). Workshop leader. 4-5 Apr}, link = {https://yorkshiresoundwomen.wordpress.com/machine-listening-in-music-a-beginners-guide/}, slides = {http://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/A.Beeston/dl/slides/Beeston_YSWN_Apr2016.pdf}, month = apr }
- J. Armitage, L. Cheesman, and A. Beeston, “Coding Music,” in Make some Noise! Family weekend at the National Media Museum, Bradford, UK. Workshop facilitator. 19 Mar, 2016.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Armitage:2016nmm, author = {Armitage, Joanne and Cheesman, Lucy and Beeston, Amy}, title = {{Coding Music}}, booktitle = {{Make some Noise! Family weekend at the National Media Museum}}, year = {2016}, address = {Bradford, UK. Workshop facilitator. 19 Mar}, month = mar }
n.b. Similar activities undertaken as a direct result of my connection with one or other university are listed elsewhere on my ‘Engagement, participation and outreach activities’ page.