Lighthouse communities
New work: Lighthouse communities (2023)
CAMP: Ecoacoustics
Residency on Ecoacoustics: listening, transmitting and curating soundscapes
The heart speaks even when the lips cannot
New collage with fixed media sound (2023)
Stephen Palmer Travel Bursary
Visiting Glasgow for a concentrated burst of sound art events at sonica surge.
The Sea! The Sea! Tides and Transformations
Group show at newly-opened Ship of Fools Gallery, Kirkwall.
Radiophrenia 2023
Broadcast of 'Wave by wave' in Radiophrenia's 2023 programme: Shorts 36
Springboard 2023
Assembly for creative climate action (hosted by Creative Carbon Scotland)
Creative landscape futures
A 3-day gathering – Creative Islands: Land, Sea, Pasts, Futures
Carbon literacy
Talking climate: carbon literacy training with Sustainable(ish)
Spike Island Associates talk
Online talk about sound art, tech and environmental responsibility
Amy Beeston is a sound artist and audio researcher whose work encourages others to listen more deeply to their everyday enviro
A two day workshop using sound to explore the history and landscape of Wentworth Woodhouse.