
The Acoustic Index User’s Guide

An open-access paper and web resource for better understanding soundscape analyses.

Creative landscape futures

A 3-day gathering – Creative Islands: Land, Sea, Pasts, Futures

roam//fest 2021

Artist talk and discussion in roam//fest 2021

Liminaria: Metarurality

A microseries on the political ecology of sound entitled The Audible Ecopaths: Listening To The Rural And Remote.

WIMP 2018 video

I’ve just received a link to a recording of the talk I gave in September at WIMP 2018, the Workshop on Intelligent Music

Collaborative approaches

I’m pleased to have two presentations in the upcoming Collaborative approaches to music and wellbeing research conferen

University of York talk

I’ll be back in York again next month! This time I’m presenting a research seminar in the Department of Music, tal

Timbre is a many-splendored thing!

Well, that was refreshing! It was an enormous relief to get out of the Montreal heatwave this week and shelter deep in the bow

Workshop on Intelligent Music Production

I’ve been invited to talk at this year’s Workshop on Intelligent Music Production, taking place in Huddersfield on

UK Psychoacoustics meeting

I travelled to Bristol earlier this week for an EPSRC/MRC meeting on Changing perceptions: Hearing, Psychoacoustics and ICT,

Audio Engineering Society talk

I’ve just received a link to the video of my AES in York – many thanks to Mariana Lopez and Cleo Pike for inviting and

Institute of Acoustics talk

I was invited to present some recent work and current thoughts to my local meeting of the Institute of Acoustics. A. V. Beesto

Amy Beeston