Practice development award
Visual Artist and Craft Makers Awards (VACMA) for a series of online mentoring sessions.
Around the world in 7 silences
A recent lockdown recording has been featured in the Italian edition of Vanity Fair.
Remote collaboration blogpost
We (SONA) share some tips for being creative when you can’t all be in the same room...
Mothers’ Days
The 15th of July 2019 – a normal Monday.
The Orcadian features Stone fringe sound exhibition
My upcoming Stone fringe sound exhibition is featured in The Orcadian this week.
The Hum of the Earth
More on the development of bioacoustics for pollinator monitoring
Mother’s Days (24 hour journal)
I've been invited to record a single day in my life as an artist/parent.
YSWN Amplify
Info about Yorkshire Sound Women Network's Amplify program which funds our SONA: Landmass project.
The Dark Outside
The Dark Outside, a site specific 24 hour radio broadcast (20-21 June 2019).
The Orcadian features SONA Landmass residency
SONA: Landmass residency is featured in The Orcadian this week.
SONA: Landmass
SONA: Landmass is a project investigating remote working methods for sound creation and composition across our network.
Reveil 2019 daybreak broadcast
We joined around 75 other streamers in a daybreak audio tour of the globe.